Project Documents
The documents associated with University Boulevard Pedestrian/Cyclist Safety Study will be posted below as meeting materials and project reports become available. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact Orange County Transportation Planning Division at 407-836-8014 or at Opens an email in your default email app
Public Outreach
Alternatives Information Public Meeting (Public Meeting 1)
- Newsletter #1 (October 2024) Opens in a new browser window (PDF, 382KB)
- Boletín No. 1 – Español (Octubre 2024) Opens in a new browser window (PDF, 625KB)
Recommended Improvement Concept Public Meeting (Public Meeting 2)
Local Planning Agency (LPA) Workshop and Public Hearing
Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Workshop and Public Hearing
Project Reports
- Corridor Analysis and Project Need Documentation (Opens in a new tab) - Coming Soon!
- Study Report (Opens in a new tab) - Coming Soon!